Discover our significative local and international case studies below.









Major leader in Aeronautics



Largest employer in the PACA area


Sensitive technical field in the military helicopter sector



Client wishes to outsource part of its recruitment.



large-scale recruitment of 18 buyers, engineers, project managers and team leaders in less than 4 months




Philippe SOLERE is in charge of the project within an Executive Search Consulting firm.



1st week

- Implementation of processes, tools and recruitment planning

- Implementation of the applicant tracking system with real-time traceability


2nd week

- Definition of the 18 different positions and profiles with the hiring managers


3rd week

- Validation of the job advert with HR


4th week

- Posting on jobboards



- 1,200 applications received in 2 months


- 200 phone interviews


- 90 pre-selected applications submitted to hiring managers from the 7th week


- 80 candidates interviewed onsite between the 9th and 14th week.

½ day sessions w/ evening debriefings for hiring decision with Consulting Firm, hiring managers and HR


- 21 hiring proposals from the 11th week:

  20 accepted, 1 declined








Global specialist in energy management and automation


Largest employer in Carros








Client wishes to recruit several key personnel for its R&D center.



Recruiting urgently in summer 4 engineers and project managers specialized in microelectronics and automation systems (human-machine interface)




Philippe SOLERE subcontracts this mission by direct approach



1st week

Initial core targeting of 1,000 qualified micro-electronics engineers based in France


2nd week

Targeted e-mailing validated and sent with a detailed job description, recruitment steps and a questionnaire to fill in


3rd week

Finalist candidates’ submission to the client


4th week

Interviews within the Consulting Firm and onsite with the client



- More than 50 replies in 1 week


- More than 40 phone interviews


- 15 finalist candidates submitted


- 7 hires out of 15 submissions on the 5th week,

3 new positions opened by the client due to the high-quality of profiles presented (4 positions initially)









Major global actor in electronics


World leader in smart card components


One of the largest employers in Sophia Antipolis



Client wishes to recruit 50 employees for its R&D center.



Recruiting specific profiles of bilingual engineers, project managers and team leaders specialized both in micro-electronics and mobile communications



Philippe SOLERE is a Headhunter within an Executive Search Consulting firm



- List of target companies, sourcing and selection both in French and English


- Detection of Design Department phone trams within competitors and implementation of a massive and confidential cold calling operation after 9 pm in most R&D centers in France



+20 new hires in less than 6 months via headhunting, direct approach and direct marketing operation








Gaming group


Owns 20 casinos in Las Vegas



Client needs to recruit about 20 engineers on a 4-month IT project, starting early May.



- Casinos need to modernize and secure their IT networks

- Lack of qualified and stable engineers in Las Vegas

- Call for tenders detected on Friday afternoon



20 positions with 5 different requirements to deliver next Wednesday before noon



Philippe SOLERE is a recruiter in an IT contingent subcontracting firm based in Las Vegas



Friday night

- Boolean search and targeting of +1,000 experts on Monster’s and Careerbuilder’s resume databases

- Nationwide e-mailing of a detailed job advert with a 4 days notice, salary range, recruitment steps and a questionnaire to fill in


Monday and Tuesday

- 50 qualified applications received

- About 30 phone interviews


Wednesday morning

Final selection before submission



- More than 1,000 engineers contacted


- 13 qualified candidates submitted within 3 business days


- 4 candidates temporarily hired on a 4-month contract








Temporary Staffing Agency based in Montreal


3rd largest Temporary Staffing Group in Canada




This group wishes to improve its turnover and profitability through a better internal organization of its 17 offices nationwide






Philippe SOLERE is HR Project Manager within this agency in charge of optimizing staffing and communication operations



Internal Audit:

- Poor detection of staffing needs

- Basic search on candidate databases

- Limited and low quality of applications

- Low-level selection during phone interview

- Disorganization during face-to-face interview

- Complex administrative procedures

- Contingent requirements conversion rate: 10%



- Training of 60 temporary staffers: “Getting requirement right”, “Make a deep search”, “Assess and select efficiently”

- Administrative procedures’ simplification, especially regarding requirement opening and salary pay

- Better organization with a “high value task” focus

- Creation of a specialized department to source and pre-screen candidates by simple but rigorous phone evaluations, especially for recurrent and hard-to-fill positions



- Business development focused on better requirements


- More candidates placed faster on long-term assignments


- New Contingent requirements conversion rate up to 25%


+33% in sales the following quarter









Plan d'accès